This is a story of how we are always manifesting something. I'm hoping it will help you understand how powerful your thoughts and words can be. Consciously or unconsciously, we are creators of our realities. The awareness you have around the way you think, and your habitual thinking, will determine your success with creating what you desire rather than what you do not.
If you are unaware of Michael, he is a nationally known spiritual thought leader with a powerful message. A minister, author, and founder of the Agape Center in California, a New Thought church with live broadcasts.
It was mid-January and she approached him with a single passionate desire to attend his upcoming workshop. She started by stating that she had been wanting to attend his workshop for several years and simply had not been able to afford it.

It made me begin to consider what else we are unwittingly projecting into our futures.
A few days later I wished a friend an early happy birthday and her reply was, “Thank you, I’m going to be sick.”
I have understood the power of our thoughts for some time now and still, this message hit me with such intensity. It was as if it hit a cord that had been silently hiding around the bend.
For me, it is catching the nuances of projection in a broader way. We are so accustomed to hearing statements like the two examples above, that they typically go unnoticed during a conversation. Not anymore! Students beware – LOL
Happy manifesting!