Chakras - a new perspective.

Chakras - a new perspective.

When discussing the energy of our Chakra system, we tend to think of open or blocked energy. Today I want to talk to you instead about your thoughts and feelings and their relationship to your Chakras.

I like to think of thoughts as the root cause of your feelings and your feelings as the indicators of your alignment with your higher self.

Let me explain.

Imagine if you will that a thought can, will, or does trigger a feeling. This idea may be new to you. I believe that if you sit with it for a while you’ll recognize your feelings are a direct result of your thoughts.

I get that you may not realize that you are experiencing them this way, because often thoughts and feelings seem to happen simultaneously.

First, understand that you have around 70-80,000 thoughts per day. Most of these are subconscious repeated programming that operates covertly in the back of your mind.

For example, in the past you may have thought “I’m not enough” and as a result, concluded that because you were not enough you would never be able to achieve what you see others achieving.

Maybe the first time you thought it you felt sad, the second time you felt sad and lonely, and maybe the third time you felt sad and lonely, then became angry. This thought has now become a belief that makes you feel sad, lonely, and angry.

Any thought having been thought on more than one occasion begins to gain momentum. Thoughts with momentum over time become beliefs. A belief is just something you have continued to think.

Like anything thought repeated over time, it becomes part of your subconscious programming. Which plays repeatedly like a broken record in the background of your mind.

Let’s take the example of learning to drive a car. At first, you are hyper-aware of your surroundings and super-conscious of every step you take to start the car, put it into gear, and drive. But after some time has passed and you gain more and more experience, you begin to do these things automatically. You can virtually drive your car without much thought at all.

How is this possible? You have repeatedly thought the same thoughts and done this long enough to store the exact formula for starting and driving your car into your subconscious. It has become part of your automatic programming. Any feelings you have are also stored.

When a new event takes place and activates an original thought, the feelings associated with the thought come along with it automatically too. Perhaps it makes you believe that the feeling was first or that they happened simultaneously.

Let’s go back to the idea that thoughts are the root cause of your feelings, and your feelings are the indicators of your alignment with your higher self.

You have a thought that may bring up a feeling. Your feelings then indicate your alignment with your higher self (or your god self, inner being, soul, etc.).

These feelings help you understand how your inner being, or soul is seeing, or feeling, about the thing you are currently thinking about. If you feel good, you are in alignment with that larger part of yourself. If you are feeling bad, you are out of alignment with your higher self.

What I would like you to notice is that your Chakra system (or your body) is having a visceral experience of feeling good (being in alignment) or feeling bad (being out of alignment).

When you think a thought that is out of alignment with your soul, you will feel a tightening in your body. It might be in your throat, your chest, or your abdomen. You might feel a shrinking of your energy in general, which feels bad.

When you think a thought that is in alignment with your inner being or higher self, you will feel large, an expansion of your energy, which feels good.

In this way, I like to think of your Chakra system as an onboard GPS. It’s your guidance system. It lets you know when you are in or out of alignment. This knowledge offers you an opportunity to change your thoughts, become more in alignment, and feel better. To become more aware of your beliefs and change or enhance them, again, to feel better.

We all want to feel better. Even if you are already happy, the idea of being blissful calls to you. Learning techniques to feel better, implementing those techniques, and getting results increases your frequency.  


A Personal Energy Portrait can assist you in identifing what you've been thinking about and help you forge a path forward. Click here to explore Portrait options.

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